Friday, March 31, 2006

Leadership in Kids

It is fun seeing kids grow up. One day, I asked the nursery teacher of my institution whether they could spot out leaders among the four year olds in the class.

"Of course", she replied. I spent next one hour watching 30 odd children who were busy then in a variety of activities. I discussed with the teacher as to what made leadership in kids evident. They were self confident and knew well what they were going to do. They smiled at me as I took interest in their activity. They were good humoured. They never made fuss when they had to share toys or blocks with others. They showed initiative and curiosity. They were always first to start and were innovative too. They liked others watching them. Their enthusiasm was contagious. They always wanted to take their classroom activities home and show it to their parents. When the teacher said they can take these only at the end of the term, they brought their parents all the way to the school to appraise them. Thanks to the teacher, she was positive, energetic, full of initiative, loved kids very much and was quite assuring.

As I discussed the leadership qualities of the kids with parents, some took pride in saying that their child was 'a born leader'. They began referring to their family lineage. But I am convinced that leaders are made and not born. Conscientious parents who follow simple rules can always foster a leadership mentality. Leaders may be democratic but still do not succumb to peer pressure. They will be mentally strong.

Children should be encouraged to lead in class and co-curricular activities. Childhood leaderships predict adult success.

About the Blog Author

The Author is an eminent educationist who has hands-on experience in the field for 35 years.

This blog is his endevour to present the best of his ideas on the upbringing of children during their crucial formative years between the ages of 4 and 15. Keep following the blog to reap the best of the knowledge nuggets that pour out from his wisdom.